How to find good investment property in Puerto Rico

Lots of investors are looking to get started, and as active real estate experts in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico, we get asked to share our secrets quite a bit. Fortunately, we love to share 🙂 One of the biggest questions we get from local investors is ” How to find a good investment property in Puerto Rico … Continued

Real estate investing Resources in Puerto Rico

So you wanna get started investing in Puerto Rico and you’re checking things out, eh? Good for you. Always do your homework and you won’t get schooled. Here’s some great tools that we’ve found and we use from time to time and great real estate investing resources in Puerto Rico for investors here locally to … Continued

How to find foreclosures in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico

There’s a lot of competition to find great deals on local Puerto Rico Puerto Rico foreclosure properties. Finding them is only one part of the process – you also need to know how to capture them. Here are a few secrets from the pros that we’ve used with great success on how to find great foreclosure deals … Continued

4 Top Financing Options for Flipping Houses

Flipping houses can cost money. Here are 4 top financing options for flipping houses to help you get started. Use one, some, or all of these financing options to acquire all the investment properties you want to flip! If you’re thinking about investing in real estate, you have several options… you can rent, rent-to-own, wholesale, … Continued

What Insurance Should I Have For My Rental Property In Puerto Rico? An Investor’s Checklist

Investing in real estate is different than investing in Wall Street stocks. Stocks are speculative, and they’re also a “paper asset.” The stocks might go up and down but there isn’t much that can happen to the “financial instrument” itself (especially since they’re stored electronically instead of as stock certificates now). Real estate on the … Continued